USB vertical 180 degree short body 10.5 bent pin connector socket, short body USB mother seat AF vertical 180 degree straight plug straight edge white glue, two bent pin fixed, is a vertical USB mother seat series, with a main body length of 10.5mm, the hardware shell opening is straight edge flat mouth, the double fixed feet are vertical, the plastic body material is environmentally friendly and high-temperature resistant LCP plastic, the pin number is 4P, and the material is copper plated gold,
USB vertical 180 degree short body 10.5 bent pin connector socket, short body USB mother base AF vertical 180 degree straight plug straight edge white glue, two bent pin fixed, is a vertical USB mother base series, with a main length of 10.5mm, the hardware shell opening is straight edge flat mouth, the double fixed feet are vertical type, the plastic body material is environmentally friendly and high-temperature resistant LCP plastic, the pin number is 4P, the material is copper plated gold, the USB 2.0 socket 80 degree height is 11.5mm straight plug A female, and the blue rubber core is rolled edge. USBA female head, 180 degree vertical plug-in bent foot, 3.7mm/14.1mm copper shell, USB female seat 180 degree, vertical straight plug 17.5mm harpoon foot | sold at a low price, USB2.0usb2.0 female head, computer connector adapter, 90 degree front two pin crimped USB female seat four pin full mount SMT-LCP rubber core environmental protection and high temperature resistance USB A female seat short body side plug 10.0mm ultra short side vertical straight edge crimping USB A female 90 degree side plug short body without crimping, Or USB 3.0 short body 180 degree mother seat 11.5 length blue rubber core crimping related electrical performance parameters and appearance data dimensions, please refer to the PDF specification for details.
Contact person:
Mr. Chen 136-6225-2835 (same WeChat account)
Miss Chen 189-2385-0895 (same WeChat account)
Chen Weiting 135-3824-4786 (same WeChat account)
Chen Weihao 139-2459-4393 (same WeChat account)
Building 10, Hongxing Gebu Qixiang, Songgang Town, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province
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